Posted May 18, 2022
Whoops! This giveaway has ended. Head on over to the Sweepstakes Fanatics home page for new sweepstakes to enter!
4 winners will get a 2023 Volvo SUV valued at $64,499 in the Starbucks “Road to Paradise” 2022 Summer Game!
Plus, over 5 million instant winners will get prizes like Starbucks gift cards valued up to $100 or Starbucks reward stars!
To enter you need a Starbucks account (it’s free).
You can participate by requesting FREE game plays or by making purchases at Starbucks.
If you use the game play request link above be sure to be logged into Starbucks first, or else the link won’t work properly.
Total of 5,049,504 winners will be randomly selected-
Four (4) Grand Prize Winners will receive:
Instant Win Game Prizes:
One Thousand (1,000) First Prize Winners will receive: $100 Starbucks Gift Card
One Thousand (1,000) Second Prize Winners will receive: $75 Starbucks Gift Card
Two Thousand (2,000) Third Prize Winners will receive: $50 Starbucks Gift Card
Eight Thousand (8,000) Fourth Prize Winners will receive: $25 Starbucks Gift Card
Ten Thousand (10,000) Fifth Prize Winners will receive: $10 Starbucks Gift Card
Fifteen Thousand (15,000) Sixth Prize Winners will receive: 300 Bonus Stars added to winner’s Account (ARV: $10.23)
Ten Thousand (10,000) Seventh Prize Winners will receive: $5 Starbucks Gift Card
Twenty Four Thousand (24,000) Eight Prize Winners will receive: 150 Bonus Stars added to winner’s Account (ARV: $5.12)
Twenty Eight thousand Five Hundred (28,500) Ninth Prize Winners will receive: 50 Bonus Stars added to winner’s Account (ARV: $1.71)
One Million One Hundred Fifty Thousand (1,150,000) Tenth Prize Winners will receive: 25 Bonus Stars added to winner’s Account (ARV: $0.85)
One Million Two Hundred Thousand (1,200,000) Eleventh Prize Winners will receive: 10 Bonus Stars added to winner’s Account (ARV: $0.34)
Two Million Six Hundred Thousand (2,600,000) Twelfth Prize Winners will receive: 5 Bonus Stars added to winner’s Account (ARV: $0.17)
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