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Perdue Something Big is Coming Sweepstakes

Posted August 3, 2018

Perdue Something Big is Coming Sweepstakes

Whoops!  This giveaway has ended.   Head on over to the Sweepstakes Fanatics home page for new sweepstakes to enter!

Enter to win a year worth of Perdue Chicken and a “Pop-Up” Party with the Perdue Food Truck (3 Winners)!

Plus, Runners Up will each win a different prize – like a Portable Grill, Casserole Dish, Instant Pot Duo, or more (6 Winners)!

A weekly code word is needed.  Week 4 word is BRIGHT.

Entry Frequency:
Once Per Entry Period
Open only to legal residents currently residing in the fifty (50) United States and the District of Columbia who are eighteen (18) years of age or older.
Start Date:
August 1, 2018
End Date:
September 16, 2018
Official Rules:
View Rules Page

Grand Prize Winners:
A total of three (3) Grand Prizes are available to be won. Each Grand Prize consists of: (a) “one (1) year’s worth of chicken,” to be provided in the form of two hundred and eight (208) five dollar ($5.00) PERDUE® product coupons (to be shipped in batches of 52 coupons on a quarterly basis) ($1040.00 ERV); and (b) one (1) Pop – Up PERDUE® Chicken Food Truck Party ($6,500 ERV). The party will consist of the following: (i) 4-hour private event for the winner and up to one hundred (100) of the winner’s guests; (ii) the PERDUE® Food Truck serving chicken; (iii) side dishes and soft drinks; (iv) seating; and (v) entertainment. Party event date will be mutually decided between the prize winner and Sponsor; however, the event must be scheduled to take place by November 1, 2019 or winner will forfeit the prize in its entirety. The ERV of each Grand Prize is $7,540.00.

After each Entry Period, one (1) Weekly Prize Winner will win the following weekly prize packs.

Weekly Winners:
1 PERDUE® Tongs and BBQ Brush, and Coleman® Road Trip® Propane Portable Grill LXE ($250.00 ERV)
2 PERDUE® Mommy and Me Apron Set, Le Creuset® Casserole Dish ($150.00 ERV)
3 PERDUE® Shopping Bag, Instant Pot Duo Plus 60 ($150.00 ERV)
4 PERDUE® Apron and a Staub® Cast Iron 10” Fry Pan ($275.00 ERV)
5 PERDUE® T-Shirt and Philips Air Fryer ($275.00 ERV)
6 PERDUE® Tongs and BBQ Brush, De’Longhi® Livenza All-Day Grill ($325.00 ERV)

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