Meet Xavier! Xavier is a regular on Sweepstakes Fanatics and is a bonafide Sweepstakes Celebrity!  Xavier has won dozens and dozens of sweepstakes prizes and is on a winning streak that is truly astonishing.  In the past few years, Xavier has won prizes ranging from Super Bowl Tickets to $1,500 Visa Gift Cards to Apple iPads and so much more!  I recently got to know Xavier and in this interview, I ask him his secrets to winning.

When did you start entering sweepstakes?

I started sweeping in the early 80s!

Wow – that was way before the Internet.  When did you start entering sweepstakes online?

I started entering online sweepstakes in 2006 but then stopped.   On July 14, 2014, I started up again…and won my first prize 1 month later – 4 tickets to the Yankees game!

Wow, that was a quick win!  What happened after that?

Then I won several facebook contests and sweepstakes.  After that, I got a call on Dec 4, 2014….I was a weekly winner in the GMC Never Say Never Sweepstakes!  I won a trip to the 2015 SUPERBOWL!  Then on APRIL 9, 2015 I was the Grand Prize Winner in the Coca Cola Send Your Selfie Contest and won a trip to the NCAA 2016 Final Four Games – a prize worth $17,500.00.  After that, I won a trip to New York Fashion weekend worth $3,600.00.  I’ve won so many Visa cards for $1,500, $1,000 and many smaller valued cards too.  Other prizes I’ve won are 2 Apple iPads, 4 Fitbits, 1 Apple Watch, skis, hoodies, clothes, and really just too many to name. Just last month, I won 1 of 4 Grand Prizes in the Avocados From Mexico Sweepstakes valued at $4,500!

What’s your secret to winning?

I have entered sweepstakes every single day since I started on July 14 2014 and have not missed 1 day since.  I enter sweeps that I want to win and sweeps that I dont want to win…the bottom line is that I enter as many as I can because my goal is just to get a win regardless of what the prize is.  I have won stuff that I have given away because I had no use for it.  I just get a thrill from winning…even if it’s a bubble gum wrapper LOL!

What do you like most about entering sweepstakes?

What I like most about sweeping is having the opportunity to win cash and prizes!

Amongst all the cool things you’ve won, what is your favorite prize?

My favorite prize I won was the trip to the SuperBowl, a once in a life time event! Hope I win another one!

Do you belong to a sweeping club or group?

No, I do not belong to a group or club but I am a member of several sweepstakes sites – including Sweepstakes Fanatics!

What tips or advice for winning sweepstakes do you have?

My advice is to enter as many as you can everyday.  Treat entering sweepstakes as a part-time job.  Be consistent, insistent and persistent and exercise a lot of patience!  Also NEVER say that you will never win because if you think this way, then you never will!   There are so many prizes out there to be won by all….don’t ever give up and keep hope alive!  To all those who are new at sweeping, dont expect to win right away and enter every sweepstakes that you possibly can regardless if you want to win that prize or not.  Your goal is to lock in a win period.  If you don’t like the prize, you can always decline, but winning it will be such a great feeling.  It will motivate you to keep on sweeping!  GLTA = GOOD LUCK TO ALL