Posted May 5, 2018
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Enter to win a Year Supply of LITEHOUSE Salad, a Salad Kit and much more (15 Winners)!
15 (15) prizes available: A year’s worth of salad in the form of twenty-four (52) free Litehouse product coupons (valued at $6 each), twenty-four (52) free NatureSweet product coupons (valued at $5 each), and twenty-four (52) free Fresh Express product coupons (valued at $5 each) plus a salad kit consisting of: Bamboo cutting bard ($16 value), Wooden Salad Bowl ($22 value), Herb Scissors ($11 value), Wooden Salad Servers ($10 value), Strawberry Huller ($8 value), Kitchen Gadgets Tool Set ($10 value), and an Avocado Slicer ($8.50 value).
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