Posted January 12, 2023
Whoops! This giveaway has ended. Head on over to the Sweepstakes Fanatics home page for new sweepstakes to enter!
Win free Chipotle for a year!
3,100 winners!
You need to be a Chipotle Rewards member to enter (it’s free).
To enter send an email to using the email address associated with your Chipotle Rewards account.
You can also enter by making a purchase of $5 or more at Chipotle.
See rules for full details – including what to put in the email.
Freepotle Sweepstakes:
Three Thousand One Hundred (3,100) Winners will receive: “Chipotle for a Year Prize”
Prize Wheel Drawing:
One (1) Winner will receive: “Chipotle for a Year Prize”
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