Posted January 7, 2025
Win over $1,200 of outdoor gear including a snowboard, a mountain bike, a wakeboard, an annual park pass, and more!
Plus, 191 winners will get prizes like a snowboard, a mountain bike, a wakeboard, a paddle board, a pool float, a backpack, an annual park pass, an AirBnB gift card, and more!
One (1) Grand Prize Winner will receive:
(ARV: $1,240.00)
Ten (10) Winners will receive:
(ARV: $300.00)
Five (5) Winners will receive:
(ARV: $200.00)
Five (5) Winners will receive:
(ARV: $200.00)
Twenty (20) Winners will receive:
(ARV: $200.00)
Ten (10) Winners will receive:
(ARV: $100.00)
Ten (10) Winners will receive:
(ARV: $50.00)
Twenty (20) Winners will receive:
(ARV: $50.00)
Twenty (20) Winners will receive:
(ARV: $50.00)
Twenty (20) Winners will receive:
(ARV: $50.00)
Twenty (20) Winners will receive:
(ARV: $30.00)
Fifty (50) Winners will receive:
(ARV: $10.00)
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