Posted November 18, 2024
55,400 instant winners will get a gift card worth up to $30 for Amazon, Best Buy, DoorDash, Domino’s, or Target!
Plus, 16,000 instant winners will get a custom photobook or tote bag from Shutterfly!
And 5,000 instant winners will get a 1-month Spotify Premium subscription!
To enter, you need to download the +one app from Coca-Cola.
Once you’ve got the app, log-in and you’ll see an invitation to play on the home screen.
It will say “Join us at Happy Hour” and there will be a “Play Now” button.
Eight Thousand (8,000) Instant Winners will receive:
(ARV: $36.49)
Eight Thousand (8,000) Instant Winners will receive:
(ARV: $16.99)
Five Thousand (5,000) Instant Winners will receive:
(ARV: $11.99)
Seven Thousand Five Hundred (7,500) Instant Winners will receive:
(ARV: $5.00)
Seven Thousand Five Hundred (7,500) Instant Winners will receive:
(ARV: $5.00)
Ten Thousand (10,000) Instant Winners will receive:
(ARV: $5.00)
Four Thousand Four Hundred (4,400) Instant Winners will receive:
(ARV: $30.00)
Five Thousand (5,000) Instant Winners will receive:
(ARV: $20.00)
Ten Thousand (10,000) Instant Winners will receive:
(ARV: $15.00)
Five Thousand (5,000) Instant Winners will receive:
(ARV: $15.00)
Six Thousand (6,000) Instant Winners will receive:
(ARV: $15.00)
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