Posted September 15, 2020
Whoops! This giveaway has ended. Head on over to the Sweepstakes Fanatics home page for new sweepstakes to enter!
Enter to win $5,000 cash!
Plus, 7 weekly winners will get $500!
And 240 instant winners will get GiftNow prizes valued from $25 to $100!
To be eligible, you have to be a CareCredit card holder.
ONE (1) GRAND PRIZE: $5,000, payable in the form of a check
SEVEN (7) WEEKLY FIRST PRIZES: $500, payable in the form of a check
Instant Win Game Prizes:
TWENTY (20) PRIZES UP TO $100 VALUE: Winner’s choice of one (1) prize from a list provided via the GiftNow site. ARV: up to $100.
SIXTY (60) PRIZES UP TO $50 VALUE: Winner’s choice of one (1) prize from a list provided via the GiftNow site. ARV: up to $50.
ONE HUNDRED SIXTY (160) PRIZES UP TO $25 VALUE: Winner’s choice of one (1) prize
(up to $25 value) from a list provided via the GiftNow site.
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