Posted February 21, 2018
Whoops! This giveaway has ended. Head on over to the Sweepstakes Fanatics home page for new sweepstakes to enter!
Enter for your chance to win a $500 Visa Gift Card and a 5-day Budget Rental Car (5 Winners)!
In addition, enter for your chance to win a $100 Visa Gift Card and a 3-day Budget Rental Car (10 Winners)!
To enter, share a picture on Instagram or Twitter showing a road trip or travel experience. Include the hashtag #RoadTripsForeverContest and tag @budget.
GRAND PRIZES (5): Five (5) Grand Prizes (one (1) per Phase), each consisting of:
The Approximate Retail Value (“ARV”) of each Grand Prize is $735.00.
SEMI-FINALIST PRIZES (10): Ten (10) Semi-Finalist Prizes (two (2) per Phase) each consisting of:
The ARV of each Semi-Finalist Prize is $241.00.
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