Posted March 3, 2021
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Win a $5,000 Amex gift card, Samsung Smart TV, and a free month of HBO Max in the Big Bang Theory Justice League Sweepstakes!
Plus, 15 winners will get $500 cash!
And 500 runner-ups will get a free week of HBO Max!
To enter, watch the Big Bang Theory weeknights from March 1st-19th and look for the “Superhero of the Day” code word.
o A Five Thousand Dollar ($5,000) American Express gift card
o A 2020 Samsung Smart TV of up to $1,000 value
o 30-Day trial HBO Max subscription ($14.99)
Approximate Retail Value (“ARV”) of the National Grand Prize: Six Thousand Fourteen Dollars and Ninety-Nine Cents (US $6,014.99).
o One (1) Five Hundred Dollar ($500) gift card or cash
o One (1) 14-Day HBO Max trial ($7.00)
AVR of each National Daily Prize: Five Hundred Seven Dollars (US $507.00). Total ARV of all National Daily Prizes: Seven Thousand Six Hundred Five Dollars (US $7,605.00).
o One (1) 7-Day HBO Max trial (ARV of US$3.50)
AVR of each National Runner-Up Prize: Three Dollars and Fifty Cents (US$3.50). Total ARV of all National Runner-Up Prizes: One Thousand Seven Hundred Fifty Dollars (US$1,750.00).
TOTAL ARV OF ALL PRIZES: Fifteen Thousand Three Hundred Sixty Nine Dollars and Ninety Nine Cents (US $15,369.99).
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